It's our first edition, we expect a few tweaks along the way. Here's an ongoing list of updates, corrections and additions to our guidebook.
p. 70 Rick Casher FA'd "So Good"
p. 72 "Get It Up Longer" should be "Can't Get It Up" which was named by Annie Cashner.
p. 79 "Left Hand Path" should be "The Left Hand Path"
p. 93 "Winged Tiger" should be "The Winged Tiger"
p. 107 "Unknown #26" should be "Unnamed Dihedral, V4, Pull into the dihedral and head to to the ledge out right."
p. 131 We've been told that "Sitsquatch" is not V12, but the actual grade is awaiting consensus.
p. 179 "Unscathed" was FA'd in 2016.
p. 192 The line for "The Dogwood" on the Dogfather Boulder photo is too far right. The boulder problem goes up the face to the left of the oak tree (see photo on page 188-189).
p. 202 The approach for Mirror Lake is more like "15 or 25 Minutes" depending on where you park.
p. 216 The approach for the Horse Trail takes "5-25 Minutes"
p. 263 The photo of Caroline Treadway should say that 2x2 is "V5"
p. 300 Rick Cashner FA'd "Smear Out"
p. 300 "Pyramid Boulder" was originally called the "Foote Boulder"
p. 300 Pat Ament FA'd "Zschiesche Problem" on the "Pyramid Boulder."
p. 331 "Train in Vain" is not V11, the actual grade is awaiting consensus.
p. 336 "Tap Dance" is an eliminate. Do not use any handholds that are further right than the sloping sidepull at 4 ft.
p. 340 Rick Cashner FA'd "Cash 'Em Up" and "UFO"
p. 342 "The Archer" is V11
p. 415 "I'll Be Your Hucklebee" should be called "I'm Your Huckleberry"
p. 417 The photo of Carlo is him on "Dogwood"
p. 438 “Project #6” was FA'd by Carlo Traversi in 2020. It is called "Split in Two" and is a 3 star V12. Climb the arete from a stand start.
p. 443 Tim Medina FA'd "180 Degree Arete"
p. 445 "When The Levee Breaks" should be called "Levee's Gonna Break"
p. 448 "Unnamed V5" is "Al Dente, V10"
p. 451 "Zephyr" should have 4 stars
p. 456 "Ncarcissus" should be spelt "Narcissus"